This warm and hilarious animation revolves around an ordinary small family in Japan. The protagonists are a family of four - father Hana, mother Hana, eldest daughter Hana Daigan and son Hana Daiju. Hana is a nagging and occasionally small-hearted mother, while father Hana is a taciturn office worker who does his own thing. The eldest daughter Hana Daigan is a high school girl who loves to daydream. A'gan's younger brother Hana Daiju is the most normal one in the Hua family and is often speechless about the off-line behavior of Hana and A'gan. The animation tells the daily life of this ordinary family in a relaxed and humorous tone in the form of a small story in each episode. The Hua family is not a model family, but a small family of four that may exist around you and me. It allows every audience to feel the warmth and happiness of daily life and find a microcosm of themselves and their families.