Chise Hatori (voiced by Atsumi Tanezaki) seems to be just an ordinary girl who is a little cold on the surface, but in fact she hides a pitiful life experience. When she was young, Chise's mother committed suicide and her father ran away from home. With nowhere to go, he became a commodity at the age of fifteen and was sold to a magician named Elias (voiced by Ryota Takeuchi) by an underground auction organization. In fact, Chise has the special physique of the darling of the night, and can absorb the magic power emitted by the outside world unconsciously. It is a very rare species. Chise became Elias's assistant and used her superpowers to help Elias solve the tasks entrusted by the church. In the process, Elias's gentleness and thoughtfulness constantly healed Chise's heart, and Chise gradually learned to use her abilities to change the world around her for the better.