The protagonist of this work, Okabe Rintaro (voiced by Mamoru Miyano), is a college student with severe chuunibyou. He calls himself "Houhoin Kyouma" and his partners form the "Future Invention Research Institute" to carry out various strange inventions and investigations in a simple laboratory in Akihabara. On July 28, 2010, Okabe and his childhood sweetheart Mayuri (voiced by Kana Hanazawa) went to the science lecture venue together, where they met the genius girl Makise Kurisu (voiced by Asami Imai). Something unexpected happened. Okabe heard a scream in the hallway of the hall. He came to the sound and found Makise lying in a pool of blood. Okabe told his friend Hashida Tadashi about this by text message, and this action turned the world upside down. The so-called "future prop" in the laboratory can actually influence the progress of the world. Okabe has since become a lonely observer. All this is the choice of Steins;Gate.