Kaguya Kurara (voiced by Otsuka Gou) is a very introverted first-year college boy. He is not good at speaking and always uses running to express his inner emotions. Late one night, Kaguya was running and met a man named Kiyose Haiji (voiced by Toyonaga Toshiyuki). This man with a unique charm took the initiative to talk to Kaguya and introduced him to the apartment called Takesou-sou where he lived. In this way, Kaguya became the 10th resident of Takesou-sou with half-hearted reluctance. The Shirotaro brothers, who are very trusting of each other despite their daily fights, Sugiyama Takashi (voiced by Uchiyama Koki), who is called a prodigy but Kaguya thinks he is a little weird, Sakaguchi Yohei (voiced by Kitazawa Riki), who is keen on watching TV quiz shows, and Iwakura Yukihiko (voiced by Okitsu Kazuyuki), a top student with a frivolous personality but who hates the smell of cigarettes. These people with strange personalities share this shabby apartment with Kaguya.