The story takes place in a small city far from the metropolis. The idle young man Sato Tatsuo (played by Go Ayano) used to work in a mine, but after witnessing an accident, he chose to escape. In his daily life, he traveled around the city until one day he met the young man Oshiro Taku (played by Masaki Suda) in a small steel ball shop. Taku was previously imprisoned for injury, and later released on parole. He was introduced by his sister Chinatsu (played by Chizuru Ikewaki) to get a job in an acquaintance's company. Their family is poor, their father is bedridden, Chinatsu sells her body in a third-rate bar, and she has to commit to Taku's boss (played by Kazuya Takahashi) every day, suffering humiliation. The first meeting seems to make Tatsuo and Chinatsu have a good impression of each other. They get closer and closer, and their lonely hearts lean on each other for warmth. However, the tricks of fate have just begun... This film is adapted from the only novel by the late writer Sato Yasushi.