Myers (voiced by Shameik Moore), a teenager in middle school, was accidentally bitten by a radioactive spider, and then his body underwent strange changes. By chance, he witnessed the battle between Spider-Man (voiced by Chris Pine) and the crime boss Kingpin (voiced by Liev Schreiber). In order to prevent Kingpin from using the space-time collider to disrupt the universe, Spider-Man finally died heroically. But before long, the decadent Peter Parker (voiced by Jake M. Johnson) from the parallel universe appeared in front of Myers. In order to stop Kingpin's conspiracy and help Parker return to his own universe, they broke into Kingpin's lair. In the process, the two were sniped by Doctor Octopus and Prowler. At the same time, Spider-Woman, Shadow Spider-Man, Spider-Ham, and Spider-Girl from other universes appeared one after another. They worked together to fight against evil forces...