Rick (voiced by Justin Roiland), a genius and mad scientist, suddenly returns to his daughter Beth after missing for many years and sets up a science lab in her garage. Rick has a "portal gun" that can travel to various dimensions of the universe. His grandson Morty (voiced by Justin Roiland) and granddaughter Summer are often dragged into his homemade spaceship to embark on various crazy and exciting cosmic adventures with him. His daughter and son-in-law Jerry are dissatisfied with his crazy behavior. At the end of the last season, they came back from a trip and found that the house was messed up by the three of them. When they were about to get angry, Rick stopped time and took the opportunity to tidy up the house. However, they created multiple time faults. How should they clean up now? This animation is an animated series developed by Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland, the creators of the American TV series "Community". Each episode has an independent story, exquisite plot arrangement, unrestrained imagination, and brain holes that break through the sky, which are the biggest features of this series.