The movie begins with a girl named Ruoxi trapped in the Yaksha Demon Kingdom and imprisoned in the Wujian Prison, but falls in love with the Yaksha demon. The protagonists go through the Wujian Prison that suppresses hundreds of demons, the deserted ghost town where Yakshas gather, the Guixu Tower guarded by giant pythons, and the triple purgatory on the tower in the gloomy and mysterious Yaksha Demon Kingdom. In this dangerous and fantastic journey, the beauty and the Yaksha demon develop a true love across the two tribes. In the end, the girl turned into a demon girl in order to open the barrier and seal the endless Yaksha cavalry, the man-eating floating world python, and the evil demon king and evildoer in the demon kingdom forever! What is the secret of the girl Ruoxi's identity? What will be the outcome of the confrontation between humans and Yaksha?