Saiki Kusuo (voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya) is a 16-year-old high school sophomore. Since birth, he has been an all-powerful superpower, mastering almost all the superpowers that can be named. This seemingly enviable trait has made Saiki Kusuo's life fall into boredom and despair, because he can do whatever he wants without almost any effort. So, Saiki Kusuo sealed his superpowers and devoted himself to being an ordinary person who is unknown. However, Saiki Kusuo seems to be emitting waves that attract weirdos, such as the stupid bad boy Rendou Riki (voiced by Daisuke Ono), the terminal patient of the second disease Kaiteng Shun (voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki), the daring psychic Totsuka Reita (voiced by Natsuki Hanae), and Teruhashi Kokomi (voiced by Ai Mei Ye), who shines with perfect brilliance from head to toe and from inside to outside. These weirdos with different personalities always drag Saiki Kusuo, who strives to be ordinary, into trouble again and again.