Elementary school student Sakura Kinomoto (voiced by Tange Sakura) is an ordinary girl with a gentle father Fujitaka Kinomoto (voiced by Tanaka Hideyuki) and a considerate friend Tomoyo Daidoji (voiced by Iwao Junko). One day, she found a long-forgotten magic book in her father's study and accidentally lifted the seal on the book. A talking doll Keruberos (voiced by Hisakawa Aya) appeared in front of her. Keruberos told her that he was the beast guarding the book, and the book was sealed with something called the Clow Cards. Now that the seal has been lifted, it wants Sakura to become a Clow Magician, and it will help her recover the Clow Cards that are making trouble everywhere. The next day, a transfer student named Li Syaoran (voiced by Kumai Motoko) came to Sakura's class. It turned out that this cool-looking boy also came for the Clow Cards. With the seal of the Clow Cards, more and more characters appeared around Sakura, but their real purpose is still unknown.