Sixth-grade elementary school student Hikaru Shindo (voiced by Tomoko Kawakami) accidentally found an old chessboard at his grandfather's house. The moment he touched the chessboard, he also released the soul of Fujiwara Sawa (voiced by Chiba Susumu), a chess player from the Heian period, who lived on it. Sawa, who was possessed by Hikaru, regarded chess as his life. Hikaru began to play Go under his soft and hard persuasion, and came into contact with a group of powerful chess players, including his peers. Hikaru began to be interested in Go and showed his talent, and Sawa became Hikaru's secret teacher... "Hikaru no Go" was adapted from the work of the same name by Yumi Horita. The manga was written by Takeshi Obata and supervised by Yukari Umezawa, a female chess player from the Japan Go Institute. After the release of the film that year, it caused a sensation and triggered a wave of learning Go. Through Sawa's possession, the protagonist Hikaru Shindo was changed, telling the story of his chess skills and spiritual growth, and popularizing Go knowledge in it, which was of far-reaching significance.