In an accident, Jonathan's (voiced by Kazuyuki Okitsu) father, Sir Joestar (voiced by Masashi Sugawara), was rescued by a strange teenager, Dio Brando (voiced by Takehito Koyasu). The kind-hearted Sir took in Dio, who claimed to be helpless, and the latter officially entered the door of the Joestar family as an adopted son. In the eyes of others, Dio is an excellent and upright boy, but only Jonathan, who has experienced Dio's cruel bullying, knows that behind Dio's glamorous mask, there is an evil heart. Sure enough, as he grew older, Dio began to covet the huge family property of the Joestar family. Inadvertently, Dio discovered the stone ghost mask that can make people powerful. In order to gain more wealth and power, Dio put on the mask without hesitation. After becoming a terrifying vampire, Dio began to take crazy revenge on the Joestar family. In order to avenge his father and his entire family, Jonathan began to practice Ripple Qigong, the only thing that can defeat vampires. Facing powerful enemies and their followers, can Jonathan achieve the ultimate victory?