"Asana is Coming" tells the story of Asana (played by Haru), the second daughter of a wealthy Kyoto businessman, who founded a coal company, a bank, a life insurance company, and a series of other activities in Osaka, and did her best to establish Japan's first women's university. Asana's character prototype is Hirooka Asako, an industrialist known as a female hero in the Meiji era. This is the first time that the story of a morning drama begins with the end of the shogunate, which has caused heated discussions. Also starring in the show are Miyazaki Aoi, Terajima Shinobu, Tamaki Hiroshi and other actors. The drama will be broadcast on NHK General Channel from September 28, 2015 to April 2, 2016, and is expected to have a total of 156 episodes.