The super web drama "Infernal Affairs" is produced by Liang Jiashu, starring Wang Yang, Zhu Rui, Luo Zhongqian, Su Lishan, Luo Jialiang, Liao Bier, and Liu Songren. The story takes place ten years after the movie "Infernal Affairs", and the black and white sides once again set off an undercover dispute. The mainland police played by mainland actor Wang Yang infiltrated the Hong Kong gang as an undercover, while Luo Zhongqian played the Hong Kong police who was an undercover planted by the gang in the police force. The two protagonists wandered between good and evil, black and white, and participated in one police and gangster game and emotional test after another. The web drama still continues the spirit of Infernal Affairs: while inheriting the essence of the movie version, the super web drama has some innovations: it tells a brand new story, and the main characters are all original. On this basis, "Infernal Affairs" composes a romantic sequel, and the ups and downs of emotional tests add more highlights to this web drama.