The series tells the story of Teresa Mendoza (Alice Braga), who is forced to flee to the United States to seek asylum after her boyfriend, a drug dealer, is accidentally murdered in Mexico. She and her former friends fight back against the drug cartel leader who killed her boyfriend and hunted her down. However, in the process, she slowly learns the "knowledge" and "strategy" of drug trafficking and gradually becomes the new boss of the drug cartel. Peter Gadiot plays the regular role of James Valdez, a rising figure under Camila Vargas (Veronica Falcon) who knows the drug world very well. Although he will impose severe punishment on those who resist him, Teresa finds that he actually has his own sense of justice, and then he becomes Teresa's important ally in the United States. Carlos Gomez plays a recurring role for the entire season, Javier Acosta, a drug lord who can give orders in Colombia.