Seto Renryu (played by Ryo Kase), the captain of the Special Forces (SIT) of the Metropolitan Police Department of Japan, encountered the bizarre death of his teammates during a mission. He was unable to defend himself in the face of his superiors and was eventually transferred to the Fifth Section of the Public Security Department of the Ministry of Public Security - the Unknown Incident Investigation Section. This department specializes in investigating some incredible supernatural cases. Of course, in the so-called "scientifically prosperous" modern society, this also means that the Fifth Section is a marginal department that is difficult to be recognized. In addition to Seto, the Fifth Section only has the slick boss Nonomura Kotaro and the strange girl Touma Sayoya (played by Toda Erika) with an IQ of 201. During this period, various characters with super powers (SPEC) such as the prophet and the hand of God appeared one after another. In the process of handling the case with Touma, Seto gradually approached an unknown world that is little known and full of conspiracy and secrets...