This film consists of two movies, "Death Proof" directed by Quentin Tarantino and "Planet Terror" directed by Robert Rodriguez. "Death Proof" tells the story of a perverted killer Mike (Kurt Russell) who murdered four beautiful women with his car. He haunts bars on the roadside, looking for prey to gain trust, and then brutally kills them on the road by car accidents, while he is also seriously injured. This is how he satisfies his bloodthirsty desire. This time, he has set his sights on four targets again, but this time, his intuition fails, and this evil killer finally meets the last nemesis of his life. In "Planet Terror", the town is surrounded by bloodthirsty berserkers, and a strange virus spreads rapidly. Cherry (Rose McGowan) is a stripper who lost her right leg in a berserker attack. When her boyfriend mounts a machine gun on her stump, Cherry must become a hero in order to survive and protect the ones she loves.