The story takes place in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. Jiang Yu (played by Hawick Lau), a weaving and dyeing tycoon in Huzhou, met a girl named Caihong by chance. Caihong's innocence and kindness made Jiang Yu very moved. However, Caihong is the daughter of Wu Hongda, and Wu Hongda happens to play the Jiang family's feud. In desperation, Jiang Yu can only bury this feeling silently in his heart. Caihong's family suffered an accident and her father passed away. Caihong believed that Jiang Yu was the culprit of all this. She was determined to lurk beside Jiang Yu and investigate the truth of the incident. In order to keep Caihong by his side, Jiang Yu coerced and lured her, and finally made Caihong a servant for his family. Although there were many contradictions between the two, as time went by, the burning sincerity gradually surfaced and moved Caihong. Can this pair of unfortunate mandarin ducks finally get together?