The seemingly lazy Ryuzaki Ikuo (Toma Ikuta) is the ace detective with the highest crime-solving rate in the Shinjuku Second Police Station. This day, his partner Hibino Mitsuki (Juri Ueno), who is from a famous family, is very angry. At the same time, the Matsue Group Wakato Danno Ryuya (Shun Oguri) entrenched in Shinjuku is engaged in various illegal and criminal activities as a businessman. He can always get intelligence at the right time and escape the police's repeated searches. The two people who seem to be walking on the black and white roads without any intersection actually have an inseparable origin. Ikuo and Xiaolong both grew up in an orphanage when they were teenagers. They had a happy and carefree childhood, but the murder of their most beloved teacher Yuko (Ryoko Hirosue) was a heavy blow to the two. They vowed to find the real murderer and take revenge. The good brothers, as police and gangsters, moved towards the ultimate goal separately. The battle of revenge that has lasted for many years, the two dragons are ready to go...