This time the story will revolve around "wife". As a housewife, Shizhi (played by Yui Natsukawa) lives with her husband Yukinosuke (played by Masahiko Nishimura), 2 sons, and her parents-in-law. One afternoon, the house was robbed by a thief and the private money hidden in the refrigerator was looted. Amid her husband's complaints, Shizhi decided to run away from home, and the Hirata family fell into chaos. Because Tomiko (played by Kazuko Yoshiyuki) was in poor health, Shuzo (played by Isao Hashizume) began a "fierce battle" with cleaning, washing, and cooking, and deeply realized how difficult it was for Shizhi. However, Shizhi had no intention of going home, and the Hirata family had to hold an emergency family meeting again...