The story takes place in Tokyo in 1939, where the 94-year-old painter Kumagai Moriichi (played by Yamazaki Tsutomu) lives. Kumagai Moriichi and his wife Hideko (played by Kiki Kirin) have a warm home, a porch, and a small yard, which is enough to make their lives enjoyable. Every day, Kumagai Moriichi can feel the changes of seasons and time from the trees and vegetation in his backyard. He and his wife have already understood the meaning of life-those elements that can really bring fun in life are not something that money can buy. I thought there would be no end to such a pleasant day, but one day, Kumagai Moriichi learned that a towering building was about to be built next to his house, and the shadow of the building would be projected into his yard, which meant that the plants that needed sunlight growing there would face death.