Shinichi Chiaki (played by Hiroshi Tamaki), who comes from a musical family, has been influenced by classical music since childhood. When he was young, he traveled around Europe and met the famous conductor Viera. He vowed to be a student of the master when he grew up. However, a plane crash left Chiaki with sequelae. He could not overcome the psychological barrier to take a plane and had to stay in his country's music school. In school, Chiaki was arrogant because of his talent, but he seemed unruly but was full of hesitation in his heart. One day, Chiaki met the incredible girl Noda Megumi (played by Juri Ueno) by accident. Noda is a piano genius who can remember the music score after reading it once and can play a touching melody. At the same time, she is also a sloppy girl who eats other people's lunch boxes, does not take a bath, does not clean the room, and does strange things all day long. Under the influence of Noda, Chiaki's life trajectory has undergone a major change.