It was founded 122 years ago and is a private Hyakukao Academy. "ギャンブルの强さ". The winner has his status and reputation, and the loser has his property and property.この学园に、One person no girl が転school してくる. The girl's name is Snake Naomenko.一见するとお淑やかなこの美女は, いかなるリスクもいとわない常rail を伊したギャンブルCrazy だった. The school is dominated by Momo Chi Luo Li's student association, Yumeko's dangerous existence is judged, and the assassin who is trained in hundreds of wars is sent by the assassin. Zhuangjue's な駆けcitation きとcheat し合いを system したものだけがwin てる, ULTIMATE ONE'S GAMBLING けたpsychological バトルが, さらにACCELERATION する―!