"A Gentleman's Dignity" is a 2012 SBS weekend drama, written by Kim Eun-sook and directed by Shin Woo-chul, and premiered in May 2012. Four men who have been best friends since high school: Kim Do-jin (played by Jang Dong-gun): a cynical "venomous tongue man" architect, Lim Tae-san (played by Kim Soo-ro): a rough and wild "innocent man", Choi Yoon (played by Kim Min-jong): a considerate and affectionate "caring man" lawyer, and Lee Jung-rok: (played by Lee Jong-hyuk) an idle "playboy". This drama tells the romantic comedy love story of these four men with different personalities, who are no longer confused by anything in the world after experiencing love and separation, success and setbacks. The main line of the story focuses on the bachelor Kim Do-jin and the cheerful high school teacher Seo Yi-soo (played by Kim Ha-neul).