Abandoned by his father, a criminal policeman, in childhood, the young man Sawahara Natsuki (Sato Takeru) has a deep grudge in his heart. However, fate has made him not only a policeman, but also assigned to the Criminal Division 1 of the Ginza Police Department and become a partner with his biological father Shimao Akimura (Watanabe Atsuro). Also enlisted with him is Maeda Hitomi (Kutsuna Shiori), the daughter of his father's former partner. Hitomi's father Maeda Shuichi was killed that year, which became a hidden pain in her and Shimamura's hearts. The awkward father and son went out on the police side by side. The old man couldn't stand his son's emotional and impulsiveness; the son was also unhappy with his father's abandonment in the past and his current domineering behavior. However, in the series of dangerous actions, the inseparable bond between father and son was reflected again and again. This pair of cute, noisy, handsome and funny father and son will work together to compose their criminal police legend... This film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Shizukui Shusuke.