"Supernatural" is produced by the American WB TV station. It tells the story of supernatural phenomena, mostly from American urban legends and folklore. In the last season, although the yellow-eyed devil was destroyed, the gates of hell were wide open, hundreds of demons poured into the world, and darkness will cover the world. Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) will face an unprecedented and arduous mission. At the same time, they also have their own problems: Sam finally understands why he was chosen by the yellow-eyed devil and what it did to him. Dean made a contract with the devil to save Sam, but the one-year deadline is approaching. Is Sam really the gentle and kind brother? On the human side, those devil hunters also organized to fight against the escaped devils together, and some of them also pointed their spearheads directly at Sam and Dean. Can Sam uphold his humanity and not step into the dark side? Can the two brothers defeat the devil this time?