The film is adapted from the 2003 Danish film "The Cold Face and the Heart". It tells the story of Alex Lewis (Liam Neeson), an assassin expert known for his careful precision. After Alex refused to complete the mission of a dangerous criminal organization, he became the target of assassination and he had to hunt down those who wanted him dead. Senior FBI agents Vincent Serra (Guy Pearce), Linda Armistead (Tay Atwal) and Mexican intelligence liaison Hugo Marquez (Harold Torres) were invited to investigate the traces of the stabbed bodies. They got closer to Alex, but also attracted the anger of local technology tycoon Davana Silman (Monica Bellucci). With the criminal group and the FBI chasing him, Alex has the ability to escape, but he is struggling with severe amnesia, which affects his every move. As the details blur and the enemy closes in, Alex begins to question his every move and who he can ultimately trust.