The story takes place during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. Nie Duobao (played by Ma Junwei), who was strong and powerful since childhood, clashed with the blue-feathered guard Erhao, which triggered a conflict between the Manchus and the Han. In order to prevent the dispute from escalating, Kangxi (played by Chen Guobang) ordered that the Han people could also apply for the imperial guards, but it was later stranded due to the obstruction of Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang (played by Cheng Kewei). Shunzhi left a letter before his death. Fuquan (played by Ma Guoming) believed that the letter must involve the issue of who would inherit the throne. During the investigation, he learned that the letter had been lost, so he killed innocent people indiscriminately and put all the blame on Xiaozhuang, Kangxi and others, which led the simple-minded Duobao astray. By chance, Duobao heard someone slander that Kangxi was an enemy who persecuted his family. He wanted to use Kangxi's southern tour to kill him, but after a fierce ideological struggle, he finally did not do it. Kangxi promoted him to the commander of the guards for his meritorious service in protecting the emperor. At this time, Fuquan, who had no hope of succeeding to the throne, finally made trouble...