In a large city in Asia...In a highly fortified prison, the imprisoned leader of a criminal group escaped from prison. Jiang Ning (played by Lawrence Ng), a former intelligence chief sentenced for murder, was taken hostage in the incident and forced to escape from prison with the leader. In order to complete the task, Wei Ming (played by Jessica Hsuan), the head of the Security Division's operations team responsible for hunting down the leader, did not hesitate to order the special police to shoot all the prisoners involved in the prison break. Jiang Ning was shocked to see that everyone was killed, and he was also shot in cold blood...When Jiang Ning woke up, he was already in the secret base of the Security Division. He was not killed at all. Wei Ming's real purpose was to arrange for Jiang Ning to disappear from the world. For various reasons that are not convenient to be made public, the countries in the region are facing many problems that need to be solved urgently. They decided to set up an organization led by Jiang Ning, "The Hidden World", to carry out a series of extraordinary tasks...Jiang Ning is smart and capable, both intelligent and brave, and good at mastering the specialties of his subordinates. Before going to prison, he personally led agents in the Intelligence Division to complete many nearly impossible tasks. After Jiang Ning accepted Wei Ming's appointment, his first task was to recruit six main members of the organization according to the other party's instructions. On the surface, they each had different professions to hide their true identities, but in fact, each had their own personal expertise...