"Itazura na Kiss" is a youth idol drama adapted from the popular manga "Itazura na Kiss" (also known as "Itazura na Kiss") by Japanese Kaoru Tada. The live-action version has set off a viewing boom in the Japanese and Taiwanese versions. Baek Seung-jo (Kim Hyun-joong) not only has a perfect appearance that makes girls envious, but also has a super high IQ, ranks first in the school in academic performance, is very athletic, and has extraordinary financial resources. However, this boy who makes people sigh that fate is unfair is a cold boy who does nothing with a smile and has a boring personality. Oh Ha-ni (Jung So-min), a clumsy professional in the same school as Baek Seung-jo, has a kind and helpful heart. Since falling in love with Baek Seung-jo at first sight, Oh Ha-ni has been working hard to rewrite her poor grades, and has done one stupid thing after another to impress him, and finally won Baek Seung-jo's heart...