Recently, a charming mama-san Motoko (played by Ryoko Yonekura) has come to the glittering Ginza. Her store is decorated lavishly, and the customers who come to consume are either high-ranking officials or wealthy people. And every time she accompanies a guest, she will collect information related to money from the conversation and record everything in her black leather notebook. Motoko used to be a bank clerk. With the convenience of her work, she collected a list of people who had empty and fake accounts in the bank over the years. After being discovered by the president that she had embezzled 120 million yen from the bank, she took out the black leather notebook with the list. Motoko's goal is to open the largest and most luxurious store in Ginza, and she has sacrificed all the beautiful words in life, such as morality and love, for this. She walked towards her goal without hesitation.