Eriko Osawa (played by Yutaka Amami), who returned from abroad at the request of Shinjiro Nodachi (played by Yutaka Takenouchi), became the boss of the Special Crime Countermeasures Team of the Metropolitan Police Department's First Investigation Division, but the team members assigned to her are of different forms, including the sleepy Kimoto Makoto (played by Erika Toda) who was transferred from the Scientific Investigation Institute, the cold-hearted but warm-hearted detective Katagiri who was transferred from the Traffic Group, the energetic boy Hanagata Ippei who was transferred from the police station, and the always lazy Yan Jing from the Anti-Black Group and the Chief of the Yamamura Patrol known as "Mr. Lost Things and Four". Putting such a motley crowd together really gave Osawa a headache. The First Investigation Division never had high hopes for her department, and only needed her to deal with media public relations. But Osawa was unwilling to be a puppet manipulated by others. Faced with such a group of subordinates and the constant occurrence of cases, she will lead by example and let her subordinates use their personal expertise to solve the case. On the other hand, Daze, who left the police force eight years ago because of a man, is facing a test in her relationship again. This time, can she change the direction of her career and relationship?