This is a TV series produced by Japan's Asahi TV in 2018, directed by Tomoyuki Takimoto, starring Yamada Takayuki and Suda Masaki. The theme of this drama is "electronic relics" unique to the electronic society, and it tells the story of the Life Deletion Agency, which specializes in deleting electronic data from computers and mobile phones after the client's death. Even if you are no longer in this world, your mobile phone and computer are still alive, helping you delete (dele) unfavorable records. Starring Yamada Takayuki, Suda Masaki, and the only red flower supporting them, Aso Kumiko, they challenged the best-selling author Honda Takayoshi, who wrote the script for the first time in the summer of 2018, to weave a "never-seen" story. The protagonists of this play, Keiji Sakagami (Yamada) and Mashiba Yuutarou (Suda), make a living by accepting clients' commissions and secretly erasing all records that are inconvenient to make public after their death. However, when they complete their tasks, they are always involved in various problems and have to unravel the client's life and the truth hidden in it... The story of the play revolves around the digital relics left by the deceased. Yamada Takayuki plays Keiji Sakagami, who is paralyzed in the lower body due to an unknown disease and can only live in a wheelchair. Masaki Suda plays Mashiba Yuutarou who conceals an unknown past. Keiji's lawyer sister Sakagami Mai is played by Aso Kumiko.