This work "Psychic Battle" is the 10th anniversary movie of the "Trap" series. The story still unfolds between Naoko Yamada and Jiro Ueda. One day, Shohei Nakamori (Takeru Sato) from Manren Village came to Jiro Ueda's (Hiroshi Abe) laboratory for help. Manren Village has been ruled by psychics since ancient times, and they protect the village from various disasters. Recently, the psychic passed away and a successor must be found within 100 days. Psychics from all over the country heard the news and a psychic competition kicked off. But after killing each other and eliminating the opponent, the next psychic will be born. Shohei hopes to break the superstition, so he asks Ueda to step forward and prove that there is no psychic power in this world. At the same time, Naoko (Yukie Nakama), who is short of money, also went to Manren Village, intending to pretend to be a psychic to make money, but she didn't expect to meet Ueda who was about to expose the fake psychic power. The two people who reunited were involved in a battle royale melee among psychics. Can they survive this crisis and uncover the truth about the psychics?