The TV series "Twin Flowers" tells the story of Gao Junfei, a high-quality student who is about to graduate from the police academy, who heroically rescues Bai Jing, the daughter of a drug lord in Jianghai City. He is developed by the city's anti-drug captain Li Rui as an undercover agent of our public security, sneaking into the Bai Group and destroying Bai Rongshan's drug trafficking group step by step. .....Twin Flowers is starred by Hong Kong's popular actor Alex Fong, and co-starred by You Yong, Qian Yongfu, Gao Tianmi, Bao Tianqi, Liu Nan, and Wang Guanqi. It is a 30-episode youth inspirational police and gangster emotional drama that shows the heroic appearance of contemporary anti-drug undercover agents in my country.