"I Accept It": Super confident Hosaka (voiced by Daisuke Ono) is determined to make a dish that will make Minami Haruka (voiced by Rina Sato) happy, but unexpectedly it affects Chiaki (voiced by Minori Chihara) to eat carrots; "Maybe": Four girls sit together and chat. The seemingly innocent Yoshino (voiced by Aiki Toyosaki) is exaggeratedly described as a black-bellied queen by Shana (voiced by Marina Inoue), which scares Mako (voiced by Ryoko Ono); "Motivation": It's Valentine's Day again. Shana invites the seemingly experienced Maki (voiced by Reiko Takagi) to teach Uchida (voiced by Eri Kitamura), Touma (voiced by Nana Mizuki), Chiaki and others, but unexpectedly they fall for it one after another; "What I Can Do": The clumsy Fujioka (voiced by Tetsuya Kakihara) wants to get chocolate from Shana no matter what, but he makes many jokes one after another. Valentine's Day is coming. Can he get what he wants?