The story takes place in a world where humans, demons, and gods coexist peacefully. Tsuchimi Bin (voiced by Sugita Tomokazu) is a very ordinary boy who lost his parents at a young age and lives under the same roof with his childhood friend Kaede (voiced by Goto Yuko). Although Bin only loves Kaede as a sister, Kaede's feelings for Bin have long surpassed friendship. One day, the God King and the Demon King came to the world with their daughters. By chance, the two girls met Bin. One of them is Xiya (voiced by Aoki Shizuka), who is lively and cheerful and lovable, and the other is Narina (voiced by Nagami Haruka), who is knowledgeable, quiet, and introverted. Bin must choose one of them as his fiancée. Facing two cute girls, what choice will Bin make?