Honda Zhuhui (voiced by Naganawa Maria) is a cute girl who has just entered the first year of high school. On the day of the opening ceremony, Zhuhui accidentally met the members of the "SNS Club" club that specializes in making doujin games. Zhuhui, who has never found what she really wants to do, finally determined her ideal, which is to make doujin games. However, Zhuhui knows nothing about game production. With the help of friends such as Murakami Shiina (voiced by Murakawa Rie), the director who is shrouded in gloom and depressed every day, Guan Ayame (voiced by Ozawa Ari), who is very cheerful and carefree, Fujikawa Uta (voiced by Yuuki Aoi), who has a talent beyond ordinary people in music, and Futa Yumion (voiced by Maekawa Ryoko), who is a bit innocent and often makes jokes, can Zhuhui successfully embark on the path of a game producer?