Shibagi Kota (voiced by Takahashi Nobu) is a very ordinary male high school student. He has a dull personality and has never had much luck with girls. He has always lived a lonely life. By chance, Kota got a magic book. Through this magic book, Kota summoned a witch named Lulu Moe (voiced by Mimori Suzuko). Lulu Moe is a witch who can fulfill other people's wishes, but the other party must pay with their lives in exchange. However, because she violated the rules of the demon world, Lulu Moe was expelled from the magic book. Not only did the contract expire, but she was also homeless. The kind Kota took Lulu Moe in, and the two began a noisy cohabitation life. Together with them, there was Lulu Moe's black cat familiar Chiro (voiced by Fukuen Misato). Every day of excitement kicked off.