Kimihara Hime (voiced by Fukagawa Seriya) is an ordinary high school girl with a very gentle and kind personality. However, unlike other female high school students, Hime is a centaur with half human body and half horse body. Although she lives a life like ordinary humans, in fact, Hime is very concerned and distressed about her unique and huge body. The carefree, cheerful and lively dragon man Jirokuroki (voiced by Kuwahara Yuki), the mature and steady cornerman Naraku Qiangzi (voiced by Shiraishi Haruka) who always plays the role of military advisor at critical moments, the winged man Yukari Manami (voiced by Kamakura Arina) who is born with the spirit of leadership, and the rational and calm Antarctic snake man Sassaso (voiced by Ayase Yuu), these half-orcs are all classmates of Hime. Every day, they gather together and live a happy campus life.