The story takes place in the high school department of Tachisaki Zhonghu Academy. Asagaya Minoai (voiced by Honto Kaede) is a high school student who has just come here for further studies. She has a somewhat ignorant and reckless personality and has a physique that is easily involved in trouble. Under the influence of this physique, she met Uegusa Arisu (voiced by Senbongi Ayaka). Uegushi is a rich lady born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but she is unexpectedly deeply fascinated by animation. Uegushi pulls Asagaya, who does not know much about animation, to establish an animation research club. The animation research club welcomes a brand new face, including Kouenji Miko (voiced by Higashijo Hisako), who looks handsome on the surface but is actually a heavy otaku (voiced by Terajima Kyouta), and Musashi Sakai (voiced by Ito Setsuo), who is isolated by his classmates because of his abnormal personality.