Huang Mune (voiced by Suwa Ayaka) is an ordinary second-year junior high school girl. She left her parents when she was young and lived a life of dependence with her grandparents. Huang Mune is particularly eager for family affection and a peaceful life that seems unchanging but is actually full of small happiness. Kusanagi Yuma (voiced by Ozora Naomi) is Huang Mune's good friend and a candidate for shrine maiden with the blood of shrine maidens, with a heavy responsibility on her shoulders. One day, the two encountered a series of accidents on the way to the shrine. A man with strange whereabouts became an unstable factor that endangered the tranquility of the town. In order to suppress the crazy man, Yuma performed the "God Hanging Ceremony". However, what no one expected was that the person who was possessed by the gods and had the ability to exorcise demons was Huang Mune.