On the surface, Amami Hibiki (voiced by Kido Ibuki) is a gentle and virtuous ordinary high school girl, but in fact, from a very young age, Hibiki has a spiritual power far higher than that of ordinary people, and can often see spirits that others cannot see with the naked eye. It can be said that Hibiki grew up in the company of ghosts. The loyal samurai Daifunshi (voiced by Kawahara Yoshihisa), the lonely Hanako (voiced by Izawa Mikako), the elusive back-story spirit Meili (voiced by Matsui Eriko), and the hot girl Rei (voiced by Uchida Aya) who is a bad girl from inside to outside, these erratic ghosts bring a different color to Hibiki's life, but also cause a lot of trouble for Aya. Inoue Narumi (voiced by Ito Miku) is Hibiki's classmate. She is carefree but afraid of ghosts. Narumi firmly believes that ghosts cannot exist in the world. After meeting Hibiki, her outlook on life began to waver.