Yuta Irida (voiced by Marina Inoue) is just an ordinary high school boy, taciturn and expressionless. In an accident, his soul left his body and came to an apartment called Gulaikan. In order to find his body, Yuta must find the holy book hidden in the mansion. In this way, the small apartment became Yuta's whole world. The cute and popular idol Narukino Mikadan (voiced by Amamiya Sora), the one who stays at home all day and indulges in games (voiced by Minako Kotobuki), the unattractive but super hacker Tai Hatsu Akika (voiced by Rie Kugimiya), and Chichibu Labra (voiced by Haruka Tomatsu) who is a psychic but does not believe in the existence of ghosts, living in Gulaikan are these tenants with different personalities. While searching for the holy book, Yuta's mysterious past gradually surfaced.