The boy Zucchini (voiced by Gaspard Schlatter) was abandoned by his father since he was a child and lived a life of dependence with his mother. The unfortunate marriage made his mother rely on alcohol to live, and she often blamed and beat Zucchini, but even so, in Zucchini's heart, his mother was still the person he trusted most. In an accident, his mother fell down the stairs and died. Zucchini became an orphan and was also charged with the "crime" of killing his mother. He was sent to a reformatory with nowhere to go. There, Zucchini met Simon (voiced by Paulin Jaccoud), Alice (voiced by Estelle Hennard) and other children. Although they had different personalities, they all had the same tragic experience. One day, a new girl named Camille (voiced by Sixtine Murat) came to the reformatory, and her appearance instantly attracted Zucchini's attention.