The story takes place in a high school called "Meinan". Yufuin En (voiced by Umehara Yuichiro) and Kinugawa Atsushi (voiced by Nishiyama Koutarou) are members of the "Earth Defense Club" club. One day, in the bathhouse, the two accidentally encountered a mysterious creature named Onbat (voiced by Mugito), and Onbat made a bizarre request, which was to hope that they could "protect the earth". The next day, Onbat appeared on campus again. By mistake, Hakone Ariki (voiced by Yamamoto Kazuomi), who is more innocent than a fool, Naruko Su (voiced by Shirai Yusuke), who loves money like his life, Zao Ritsu (voiced by Masuda Toshiki), the super popular male god on campus, and Yufuin En and Kinugawa Atsushi became "transformed boys" fighting to protect the earth.