Kozoue Roko (voiced by Ai Kakuma) is a middle school girl with a very ordinary personality. She is a little shy and weak. She came to a new city and enrolled in a new school. She is worried about whether she can make friends. Her brother Kominato (voiced by Haruki Ishitani) discovered his sister's troubles, so he gave his sister a card called "WIXOSS", hoping that his sister could gain friendship through the game. What Roko didn't expect was that when she took out the main card "LRIG card", the standing girl Tama (voiced by Misaki Kuno) on the card actually came to reality. Not only that, Roko's classmate Yuzuki Kuribayashi (voiced by Ayako Kawasumi) also asked Roko to fight. It turns out that there is a long-lasting war between the owners of LRIG cards, and the one who wins in the end can become the legendary dream girl.