The story takes place in a fictional world called Nippon. The social problems that have occurred one after another and the government's inaction have made the people of the whole country dissatisfied. This dissatisfaction has been rising with the passage of time. The government's regime is about to reach a precarious point. Just when the officials are desperate, a group of young and beautiful idols stand up. They have established 7 idol political parties to participate in the election, using dance and singing to bring confidence and happiness to the citizens. Who will stand out in the end, among these lovely girls, the lively and cheerful Hoshina Natsuki (voiced by Yashima Sararo), the calm and calm Onimaru Shizuka (voiced by Fuchigami Mai), the gentle and virtuous Kondo Yukie (voiced by Ueda Reina), and the generous daughter Iizuka Sakurako (voiced by Kubo Yurika)?