Chitose Karasuma (voiced by Senbongi Ayaka) has a cute appearance that everyone loves, but in her heart there is a darkness and contempt for humans that is a world away from her appearance. Chitose wants to be a voice actor. In order to realize her ideal, she works in a voice actor agency, but she finds that what is unfolding before her is a dark world full of open and secret struggles and intrigues. The natural girl Yae Kugayama (voiced by Mototo Kaede), who is easily disliked by the same sex, the lively and cheerful big sister Katakura Kyo (voiced by Ishikawa Yui), the arrogant and conceited daughter Momoka Sono (voiced by Suzuki Eri), and Shibasaki Manye (voiced by Ōnishi Saori), who is dissatisfied with the status quo and always wants to go to the next level. Surrounded by these colleagues who have the same dream as herself, what interesting things will Chitose encounter?