This is the sequel to the animation broadcast in October. The characters and supervisors have changed. I think this light comedy animation is pretty good. The story tells the daily life of Haruka, the eldest sister who is a surrogate mother in the second year of high school, Shana, the lively but trouble-making second year junior high school student, Chiaki, the sharp-tongued fifth grader of elementary school, and their friends of all ages. ┏STAFF┓ (marked with NEW, the staff has changed in this animation) Supervisor: Naoto Hosoda (NEW) Planning: Toshiro Otsuki Shiris Composition: Masato Suzuki (NEW) Character Design: Masaki Tanaka (NEW) Production Design: Yoshihiro Watanabe Color Design: Keiko Shibuya, Yuka Maba Art Director: Junichi Azuma (NEW) Photography Director: Sasaki Masanori, Okita Eiichi Compiler: Tanaka Tsuneji Sound Supervisor: Ebina Yoshinomo Sound Effects: Naoto Valley Sound Recording: Sugaru Sound Producer: Masakura Musical Instruments: Misawa Yasuhiro Music Producer: Sugaru Music Producer: Tsurugi Tokyoュージックプロダクションマネージャー: Kei Watanabe Takahiro, Shinichi Ikeda, Amusement Park: Anzai Take, Nishioka Daisuke Manufacturing collaboration of Minttech: Mintman Worked by: アスリード (NEW) Produced by: みなみけ Production Committee┏CAST┓ Haruka Minami: Rina Sato Minami: Chiaki Minami: Mari Inoue: Chiaki Chihara Miuri: Aya Takagi Reikoコ:Ono Ryoko Hayami/ヒロコ:Chiba Saeko Yuko:Goto Saori Riko:Takura Aoi Yuko/シュウイチ:Ohara Momoko Minami Touma: Mizuki Na Uchida Yukari:Kitamura Eriyoshi No: Toyozaki Aisho: Morinaga Riko Hosaka: Ono Daisuke Fujioka: Kakihara Tetsuya Yukihara: Asanuma Shintaro Minami Nora: Yoshino Hiroyuki Minami Aikara: Hayama Tatsuya